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伊七 朝日 純米吟釀

伊七 朝日 純米吟釀


超軟水+使用水果之鄉岡山縣當地酒米 朝日米, 更加能體驗在地味道,香蕉 青蘋果等新鮮果味十足,酒體優雅平衡 餘韻悠長


熊屋酒造位於日本岡山縣 - 1716年成立,距今已有超過300年歷史,堅持使用在地食材和附近山上流下的軟性泉水釀製清酒 - 因爲用到軟水的關係每瓶清酒都非常容易飲用, 而且芳香非常,無論男女都非常喜歡


Ishichi Junmai Ginjo Asahi An award-winning sake from the Okayama Prefecture with rare Asahi rice grains polished to 55%. this sake ranks as one of our best sakes to pair with food. A medium/heavy body with a low aroma and deep umami flavour this junmai ginjo will make you want to tear into a juicy steak!

Pairs great with red meat, heavy sauces and bold flavours.


Alcohol: 15% 

Rice Type: Asahi

Polish Rate: 55%

Sake Meter: +/- 0 

Acidity: 2.1

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