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伊七 大吟釀

伊七 大吟釀


熊屋酒造位於日本岡山縣 - 1716年成立,距今已有超過300年歷史,堅持使用在地食材和附近山上流下的軟性泉水釀製清酒 - 因爲用到軟水的關係每瓶清酒都非常容易飲用, 而且芳香非常,無論男女都非常喜歡


伊七是全國新酒會金獎酒 - 使用清酒米王山田錦釀製,精米至40%,此酒充滿果香,酒體濃鬱非常,容易飲用 餘韻久久不散 ,含在嘴裏不想吞下,是非常讓人享受的好酒


Alcohol: 17% 

Rice Type: Yamadanishiki

Polish Rate: 40%

Sake Meter: +3 

Acidity: 1.2


From the Kumaya Shuzo in Okyama, Japan, and available in HK for the first time, the Ishichi Daiginjo is an excellent and smooth sake.

Very high aroma, fruity nose of melon, peach and apple, slightly dry finish. Smooth and well balanced.

Pairs well with Fish, Pork & fresh flavors

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