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白菊 Winter Bomb 純米吟醸(生)

白菊 Winter Bomb 純米吟醸(生)


**2015 & 2017 Fine Sake Awards Gold - Sparkling Sake**


発泡にごり即是氣泡濁酒,沒有把酒渣完全過濾便入瓶,所以瓶內會殘留大約一公分的酒粕沉澱於瓶底,酒體澄淡乳白色。「Winter Bomb」是白菊酒造冬季限量釀造的sparkling純米生濁酒,沒有經過高温殺菌,清酒入瓶後,酒粕會於瓶內進行第二次發酵,因而產生大量氣體,所以sparkling sake的製作方法跟champagne有點相似,並不是把carbon dioxide加到瓶內,氣泡完全是天然發酵而成的,香檳還會在釀造過程中加入糖份加促發酵,而sparkling sake只是以米的天然糖份進行發酵,所以氣泡更加柔和細膩、味道口感更加豐富順滑。


「白菊Winter Bomb」真的是酒如其名,像一瓶乳白色的炮彈,label温馨提示了開瓶時要注意酒有噴出的可能,雖然已經十分小心翼翼地把酒蓋一點點地扭開,但仍然不能避免噴出了少量清酒。開瓶後是微微的果香和白花香味,以為味道會像一般濁酒比較甘甜,但出奇地只有淡淡的密瓜般果味和ricotta cheese般的輕柔乳香,旨味比果味更突出,收尾清脆利落,就像一支extra brut香檳。如此清爽辛口的sparkling sake無論配海鮮或較濃味的肉料理料,炸物或薯片都非常適合。


Credits: Sake Direct 酒粋 清酒案內所


Brewed like a 'brut', the flavour is clean and dry with a sharp effervescence. While it is a nigori (cloudy sake), you get a nice body without any overt sweetness. Look hard enough and you find some melon notes right the very end of the short finish. Being a nama (unpasteurized) sake, the bold and bright nose works perfectly with the sparkling nature.


A most excellent sake for celebrations and easily makes every day a Friday!

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